Local author donates latest book to TVHS library

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Local author and Tippecanoe Valley High School graduate Truman Beaver has donated a copy of his latest book to the TVHS library.

Beaver stopped by the school on Dec. 12th to present his book Off Course, describing it as an action packed World War II adventure on the high seas.

The 1995 TVHS graduate went on to study at both Indiana University and Ivy Tech Community College. After college, Beaver worked in broadcasting, marketing, and the industrial chemical industry. He is also an entrepreneur operating his own sign shop, DJ service, and campground.

For more information on Beaver’s background and books, visit the Pen It! Publications, LLC website.

Pictured above from left to right are Tippecanoe Valley School Corporation Superintendent Brett Boggs, Author Truman Beaver, and Tippecanoe Valley Library Director Andrea Michel.

December Health Tip from Kosciusko Community Hospital

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As part of the Tippecanoe Valley School Corporation’s ongoing partnership with Lutheran Health Network Kosciusko Community Hospital, each month we will be sharing a health tip with our parents and staff. December’s health tip is all about combating Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and how to treat the winter blues.

More information about the KCH Wellness Center can be found here: http://kch.com/wellness

More information about SAD can be found here: https://www.helpguide.org/articles/depression/seasonal-affective-disorder-sad.htm

“Mix It Up Lunch” allows students to network

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Tippecanoe Valley Middle School held a “Mix It Up” lunch on Thursday, Nov. 30th, 2017.

TVMS blended grades for each lunch, mixed up tables, and had a Tippecanoe Valley High School PEER at each table facilitating discussions and activities.

“It’s a really interesting time to see the middle school students open up and to see the high school students get pushed out of their comfort zone to become better leaders,” said TVHS Instructor Kris Walker.

The TVMS staff joined in the activities and also helped clear tables so the fun could continue uninterrupted. This was another piece of the “see each other” unit that sixth and eighth grade worked on with the book Wonder. 

“It was a great success,” said TVMS Principal Scott Backus. “I want to thank the TVHS PEERS for their great and powerful work. They truly are outstanding role models for our middle school kids. I want to thank the TVMS staff and Mr. Walker at TVHS who were involved in planning and carrying out the activity. I also want to thank our kids for jumping into an uncomfortable situation and still making the best of it,” Backus said.

TVMS held a similar event during the 2016-17 school year.


$4,600 donated to Boomerang Backpacks program

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Mill Creek Church in Rochester made a large donation to the Tippecanoe Valley Boomerang Backpacks program on Sunday, Dec. 3rd.

Pastor Chris Beall presented TVHS Life Skills Instructor Emma Coppes with a check for $4,600.

Tippecanoe Valley Boomerang Backpacks is a program in which the weekend nutritional needs of approximately 160 children/families from Akron Elementary School and Mentone Elementary School are met by the provision of food and snacks sent home in a backpack each Friday afternoon. Students receive enough food for the entire weekend. Boomerang Backpacks helps eliminate hunger and allows students to concentrate better on learning throughout the week.

Anyone interested in donating to Tippecanoe Valley Boomerang Backpacks may do so by contacting Tippecanoe Valley High School at (574) 598-2100.

Pictured are Mill Creek Church Pastor Chris Beall and TVHS Life Skills Instructor Emma Coppes on Sunday, Dec. 3, after the announcement was made.



Four TVHS juniors recognized as Rising Stars of Indiana

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The Indiana Association of School Principals recently announced the Rising Stars of Indiana Class of 2019.

Each Indiana high school was invited to recognize up to four students currently in the 11th grade based on their academic achievement. According to the IASP, 1,025 high school juniors from 265 schools are being honored across the state.

Olivia Ellenwood, Elijah Holder, Shayleigh Shriver, and Dylan Wood were chosen by TVHS Principal Chad Cripe to represent Tippecanoe Valley High School.

Each student will receive a certificate as part of the honor during the Jan. 15th school board meeting held at the Burket Educational Center. Also, at a later date, the Rising Stars of Indiana program’s college and university sponsors will receive a list of the students who indicated an interest in their school, along with the possible fields of study noted on their submission form.

For a full list of the Rising Stars of Indiana go to http://www.iasp.org/dsp/allstars/.

Pictured from left to right are Elijah Holder, Dylan Wood, Olivia Ellenwood, Shayleigh Shriver, and TVHS Principal Chad Cripe.

Financial aid event to help with FAFSA questions, scholarship applications

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Tippecanoe Valley High School seniors and their parents can get their college planning questions answered at an upcoming financial aid event.

An informational meeting will take place at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 5, in the high school lecture room. The agenda will include an overview of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application process. INvestED, an organization that helps Hoosiers with the college planning process, will be on-site to answer questions.

Representatives from the Kosciusko County Community Foundation and the Northern Indiana Community Foundation will also be at the meeting to discuss scholarships and how students can apply for them.

All TVHS seniors and their parents should make plans to attend. The event is also open to students and parents from neighboring schools.

There is no charge to attend the event. Light refreshments will be served.

VALLEY INSIGHT: TVHS – Committed to Student Success

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Written by Chad Cripe, principal at Tippecanoe Valley High School

As one of the newest members of the Tippecanoe Valley School Community, it is my pleasure and honor to write this article.  It has been a terrific start to the school year, and I am looking forward to ending the first semester strong.  At Tippecanoe Valley our mission is a commitment to student success through character, leadership and literacy.

I have been blessed with many outstanding mentors in my life, and as a former basketball coach, I turn to UCLA’s legendary Coach John Wooden and his teachings whenever I can.  Coach Wooden said, “Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, as your character is who you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.”  At Tippecanoe Valley High School, I have witnessed numerous examples of leadership from our staff and students.  While there have been too many examples of character and leadership to list, I thought I would share the amazing things that are being done in our Peers class led by Mr. Kris Walker.  These students are mentors for elementary and middle school students, conduct community service projects, and recently attended a training for Youth Mental Health First Aid in which they received recognition for their outstanding character and leadership.

At Tippecanoe Valley High School, we are also committed to student success through literacy.  This year we have developed and implemented a new Return to Instruction (RTI) program for any student that is lacking the skills necessary to be successful in the classroom and on the ISTEP+ exam.  We have built into the class schedule three days for extra Math support and three days of extra English support.  This has been a collaborative effort by all the teachers to help out and give our students the extra support they need.  I am extremely proud of all the teachers, especially the non-content area teachers that have taken a risk and stepped outside their normal areas to help ALL students learn.  I am very excited to see our scores come back this summer so that we can celebrate the success of everyone’s hard work.

Finally, in addition to further support our mission to promote student success, I am excited to announce that we are working hard to bring new dual credit and Advanced Placement courses to TVHS.  Our students will have more opportunities than they have ever had before, and our goal is to create a pathway in which a student can graduate from TVHS with enough college credits to begin their academics at any Indiana university as a sophomore.  Also, we will continue to work with the Warsaw Area Career Center to provide certifications in trades and other dual credit opportunities.  We will continue to focus on ensuring that every student has the skills they need to be successful in the 21st century.  I am extremely proud to be a Viking and even prouder of our staff and students!  Go Vikings!!

Valley Insight is a recurring monthly article written by administrators on a variety of topics related to education and the Tippecanoe Valley School Corporation. Articles will be posted to the district’s website and also shared with the local media.


Tippecanoe Valley students collect food, money for local food pantry

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Tippecanoe Valley Middle School and Mentone Elementary School both held successful food drives for Mary & Jerry’s Helping Hands food pantry in Mentone.

The annual food drives started on Nov. 13 and ran through Nov. 17. Mentone Elementary School collected more than 3,000 food items and more than $1,000 in monetary donations. Each grade level competed to see which one could bring in the most points. Fifth grade came in first, followed by fourth grade, and then kindergarten.

“This has been an amazing week. Mentone students have once again shown their amazing kindness and generosity,” said LeeAnn Rock, a teacher and student council advisor at Mentone Elementary School.

At TVMS, all first-period classes competed against each other. One non-expired, non-perishable food item equaled one point, while one dollar donated equaled one point. TVMS raised more than $500 in monetary donations and brought in 1,400 food items. Sara Thomas’ first-period class finished the week in first place with 284 points.

Honoring TVSC staff during American Education Week

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Dear Tippecanoe Valley Staff Member,

Each year, American Education Week provides an opportunity to celebrate America’s public schools and honor the individuals who are making a difference in ensuring every child receives a quality education.  Public schools are the cornerstone of our communities.  We welcome students from all backgrounds, abilities and incomes, and each of us plays a role in ensuring our schools are open to all children.

The concept of American Education Week was born in 1919 when representatives of the National Education Association and the American Legion met out of concern that 25% of the country’s World War I draftees were illiterate and 9% were physically unfit.  The first observance of American Education Week occurred in 1921.  A year later the U.S. Office of Education joined the NEA and the American Legion as a cosponsor.  Today, American Education Week is celebrated the week prior to the week of Thanksgiving.

This year’s theme for American Education Week is, “Great Public Schools: A Basic Right and Our Responsibility”.  It’s up to each and every one of us to make our public schools great so every child can grow and achieve in the 21st century.  Thank you for your caring commitment and dedication to excellence in serving the students of the Tippecanoe Valley School Corporation.  You are in important contributor in helping us achieve our vision of doing whatever it takes to equip all students to be outstanding – today, tomorrow, and beyond.

On behalf of the School Board and administration of the Tippecanoe Valley School Corporation, apples from nearby Doud Orchards will be distributed for the staff of each Tippecanoe Valley school.

 – Superintendent Brett Boggs