The College Board Names Tippecanoe Valley to Opportunity Honor Roll

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The College Board Names Tippecanoe Valley to Opportunity Honor Roll


The College Board has named the Tippecanoe Valley School Corporation to the 2015 Gaston Caperton Opportunity Honor Roll, a list of 130 school districts across the United States that are being recognized for creating opportunities for traditionally underrepresented students. Traditionally underrepresented students refer to black, Hispanic/Latino, American Indian/Alaska Native, and low-income and first-generation students of all races/ethnicities. The districts featured on the Opporunity Honor Roll have expanded access to higher education by providing students with rigorous academic offerings and innovative college-preparation programs. Districts on the Opportunity Honor Roll demonstrate significant and consistent growth in the number of underrepresented and low-income students taking college-level courses and applying to four or more colleges.

There is no application process to be on the Honor Roll; instead the College Board looks across multiple data sets to identify recipients. To be included in the Honor Roll, districts must have:

  1. Increased the number of underrepresented students who took the SAT;
  2. Increased the number of underrepresented students who took an AP course and exam;
  3. Increased the number of underrepresented students who were on-track for college, as demonstrated by scoring 1550+ on the SAT;
  4. Increased the number of underrepresented students who scored a 3+ on the AP Exam; and
  5. Increased the number of underrepresented students who sent their SAT scores to at least four colleges.

Tippecanoe Valley is one of only six Indiana school districts named by the College Board to the 2015 Opportunity Honor Roll.

The “Heart” of the Matter

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It is not a stretch to say the world we live in today is a very different than it was even 10 years ago. As society changes and the values of society shift, schools have to find ways to make sure kids are prepared to go out into society and be successful. Projecting the skills and dispositions of value for kids 10 years into the future is a tough task!

Our challenge is to make sure students are ready for the world. Respecting others, being responsible, and being ready for what is expected are keys to success in life. This is why they are the core of The Viking Way at Tippecanoe Valley Middle School (TVMS). These are valuable skills and every student must develop a value system that includes them if they wish to be successful now and in the future.

Students must have an attitude that no matter how challenging a situation they can persevere, think and attack the challenge. As a school, we work hard every day to help students develop this skill. The development of GRIT has to be a two-way endeavor. Many times kids are quick to give up because they see a challenge as too hard, not fun for them, or not a priority. As adults, we can all affirm that not everything in life is easy. GRIT, the ability to persevere, is a key to success in the future, no matter what that future brings.

The job of a teacher is also a challenge today. It is a thankless job that is bombarded with negativity and painted by some as “failing.” My job is to make sure our staff meets all of the legal, statutory and policy driven expectations of the State and the Tippecanoe Valley School Corporation (TVSC). However, I feel it is also my job to make sure my staff understands our true purpose and keeps focused on our “WHY”.

The TVMS staff completed a study of Lead…for God’s Sake by Todd Gongwer this semester. The book generated some very interesting discussion about the current realities of teaching and the current status of society in general. It provided great professional discussion and helped us set our priorities for the year.

The book is the story of a basketball coach who is struggling to get a team of talented young men to perform and also how a janitor named Joe showed him that fear and reward aren’t always the best way to lead. Our true heart and the relationships we develop are critical to leadership.

Teachers did not become teachers only to help kids pass a test. Society is telling us that a single measure defines us. I disagree. What defines us is the CARE we put into our kids, the BELIEF we have in their abilities, and the EXPECTATION we have for ourselves and the kids we serve.
Today’s society needs respectful, responsible, ready, gritty, and caring human beings. We are working hard at TVMS to equip our kids with these skills. With the help of caring parents and a concerned community, we will make sure our Vikings are ready for whatever the future throws their way!

This article and many more written by Mr. Backus can be found on his BLOG.

TVHS was represented very well at the JAG Region 2 Career Development Conference

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TVHS was well represented at the JAG Region 2 Career Development Conference (CDC) at the Kroc Center in South Bend yesterday. Nine Valley students competed against students from 11 other schools in order to improve job readiness skills in a professional environment. Our students placed in 5 of the 7 events  in which they competed. There were 13 events in total.

Here is a brief description of the events:

Damon Ebey and Lena Holstein did well in the Career Presentation and Writing Skills Competitions but did not place.

Nick Caudill placed third in the Financial Literacy Competition.

Our Chapter Brochure received third place recognition.

The following students each were awarded first place in their respective events and will be representing TVHS at the State CDC in Indianapolis on Friday, March 11th.

Entrepreneurship Plan Competition (1st year for this event):

Cakes Etc.
Andrea Ewing
Hannah Jones
Amanda Shepherd
Harley Shuster

Employability Skills Competition

Caitlyn Bailey

Public Speaking Competition

Adrian Evans

We have not sent an individual to state before this year and are very excited to send 6 of our 9 individual competitors! Thank you for all of your support. Valley provides a very supportive environment and is an excellent place for our kids.

This years team was lead by Matt Malless, TVHS JAG Specialist.


Tippecanoe Valley’s Graduation Rate #1 in Kosciusko County

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Tippecanoe Valley High School (TVHS) is pleased to announce its 2015 graduation rate of 92.3%, the top graduation rate of the public high schools based in Kosciusko County and well above the state average of 88.7%. Graduation rates have taken an upward trend at TVHS since 2012-13 (75.8%) and 2013-14 (85.1%). The Tippecanoe Valley community can be proud of its students, teachers, guidance counselors, parents and all staff for making this high rate possible.

This rise in the graduation rate can be attributed to several factors, but four in particular stand out:

  1. This is a pre-school through 12th grade accomplishment. Many people play an important role in helping kids graduate. This starts in their formative years of school and culminates in a walk across the stage at age 18. Parents ensure kids go to bed on time and do their homework. Teachers monitor student goals and progress. Coaches instill a sense of pride, hard work and teamwork. Pastors support students’ work at school. Custodians keep the buildings sanitary and presentable. Administrators help provide a safe and orderly environment in which to learn.
  2. The professional learning community (PLC) approach to student learning and success plays a large role. This method and philosophy helps teachers work as teams to analyze student data, progress, and needs. It helps transform the entire school system into a graduation machine. Failure is not viewed as an option. Teachers are given time to collaborate and meet the needs of individual students.
  3. Gradway and the graduation coaches it sponsors at Tippecanoe Valley High School that promote graduation, one relationship at a time.
  4. Great teachers create great success. Tippecanoe Valley has excellent educators throughout the school system that make huge differences every day in the lives of children.


Kindergarten Round-Up

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Tippecanoe is planning ahead. Please mark Monday, March 21, at 7 p.m. on your calendars. Both buildings will be holding their kindergarten round-up. We look forward to seeing you there. Please continue to visit our website for more information.

Why Be a School Board Member?

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Typically, the response I receive from people when asked if they would ever want to be a school board member is, “No way!”  They say there is not enough money in the world for them to be on the board. They say it is a thankless job and that all everyone does is complain to board members. Some of the time they are right, it can be thankless job.  Yes, people do complain about everything from an athletic coach, a teacher, the administration, all the way to not having Wi-Fi in the gym during a basketball game.

The majority of days make being a school board member well worth it. I personally got on the board to be involved with my boys’ education, and I thought what better way than to run for the school board. I didn’t have an agenda or a teacher or coach in mind that just had to go. I just wanted to be involved with the decisions that affect my kids’ education. I have included below what our current school board said when asked why they ran for office:
Mr. Dave O’Brien became a school board member, “To try and bring positive change to the school system. I didn’t like the direction the school was going in and I wanted to get involved.”

Mr. Tom Craft became a school board member, “To change things where changes needed to be made to make it better for our kids.”
Mr. Todd Hoffman became a school board member, “To bring new and fresh ideas to the board room and to be a voice for the community’s concerns!”
Mr. Stan Miller became a school board member because, “I wanted to be more involved in my kids’ school to try to make it the best it can be. I enjoy being able to help make positive changes for our schools.”

As you can see from their responses, the primary reason for being a school board member is to make our schools the best they can be for the benefit of our kids.  Anyone attending a school board meeting will see that is what we are trying to do, within the State established guidelines and mandates. It is not an easy job, but when you see improved test scores, rising student achievement, growing student leadership, and have parents writing letters to our administrators saying they are glad their kids go to school at Valley, that’s what makes it all worthwhile. That is why you should consider becoming a school board member.  It’s a great way to make and keep Tippecanoe Valley’s schools the best they can be for our kids, our staff, and our community.

Construction Starting this Spring on the New Akron Elementary School

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Construction will commence this spring on the new Akron Elementary. The new building will consist of a renovated existing classroom wing and the addition of office, classroom, cafeteria, stage, gymnasium and supporting spaces. The school is anchored by a central courtyard allowing natural light to fill the interior of the building. The new west facing office and entry pays tribute to the original school by reusing existing engraved limestone as a new entry focal point. Similarly, a new covered entry to the cafeteria and gymnasium honors Akron’s past by salvaging existing limestone and coursing it into the new masonry wall for permanent display. Inside the school shared student break out space is intermingled throughout both classroom wings allowing small group opportunities out of the classroom. The stage is centered between the cafeteria and gymnasium and opens to each side allowing for a variety of functions including presentations, performances, plays and other events. The design of the educational space looks to the future and includes interactive digital teaching boards, wireless connectivity, sound reinforcement and flexible instructional space. The building design includes energy saving features such as LED lighting with occupancy sensors, mechanical heat recovery systems and future photovoltaic panels.

Buzzer Beater!

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Monday night at a 6th grade boys basketball game between Argos and TVMS, a great act of sportsmanship took place.  At the end of the b-team game, a young man from Argos was able to get on the court and score a basket prior to the game ending buzzer.  Vikings and Dragons worked together to make this moment happen for the young man.  The video was shared on Facebook Monday night and on local TV stations Tuesday night.  Below is the link to the special spot light that aired on Fox 28:

All Vikings and Dragons alike should be very proud of these young men and the coaches who mentor them.

Valley Family, Valley Pride!