Tippecanoe Valley Student Immunization Information

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July 1, 2016

August 8th is the deadline for all Tippecanoe Valley students to have immunizations completed for the 2016-17 school year. Students in all grades are required to meet the minimum immunization requirements, determined by the Indiana State Department of Health, including children three to five years of age attending a preschool special education program, childcare, or preschool within any Tippecanoe Valley school.   In Indiana the only exemptions allowed are for medical or religious reasons. Each exemption has specific rules for filing an exemption with the school.

When students enroll in a school for the first time parents must provide the school with a written immunization record. As new immunizations are required for students in sixth grade and twelfth grade, parents must also provide the school with written documentation that the updated shots have been completed.

The complete list of immunizations required for the new school year can be found on the Indiana CHIRP and Tippecanoe Valley websites. Questions about school immunizations can be directed to the school nurse in each building.   The school nurses will be available during school registration from noon to 8:00 p.m. on July 26 and 28.

Tippecanoe Valley Middle School Announces Non-Traditional 1:1 Technology Initiative

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SCHOOL NEWS RELEASE                                                                  June 14, 2016

Tippecanoe Valley Middle School (TVMS) will begin a non-traditional one-to-one technology initiative starting in August of the upcoming 2016-17 school year. Students will be assigned a 2016 Dell Education Series Laptop with Windows 10 operating system. The technology initiative will be non-traditional because the laptops will remain at school. Students will check their device out at the beginning of the day and keep it with them until the end of the day when they will check the device back in to a mobile charging cart. Devices will not go home. This allows the school to keep costs low by not charging an additional fee for insurance. This also allows for better monitoring of use of the devices through the school’s Internet filtering system. The devices are covered by an accidental damage warranty while at school. Students and their parents/guardians are responsible for costs of intentional damage/misuse (as per written contract). All student work will be conducted on a web-based academic management system called Chalkable. Students can access school files at home from any device that connects to the Internet.

The technology fee assessed for use of the devices will be $60 annually billed through textbook rental. Overall textbook rental will see only a $30-$40 increase due to cuts in other areas to keep rental prices reasonable while still providing students with the tools necessary to have access to a 21st Century education. Overall textbook rental fees will run $150-$170 per student depending on the individual’s class schedule. This fee is comparable to or less than the textbook rental fees charged by area schools with one-to-one programs already in place. Textbook rental fees, one-to-one acceptable use contracts, and registration codes will all be mailed to the parents/guardians of TVMS students in mid-July. TVMS will be using ony two traditional textbooks (math and social studies) during the upcoming school year. Both content areas will have a substantial online component as well.

Questions about the new non-traditional one-to-one technology initiative at TVMS may be directed to Principal Scott Backus at [email protected] or 574-598-2200, ext. 2203.

Valley Insight

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Lois Buss - Picture (2)Valley Insight

by Lois Buss
Fellowship of Christian Athletes Co-sponsor
Tippecanoe Valley High School

Spread the Joy

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is a national organization of students, teachers, and coaches who unite their two passions of sports and faith to impact the world for Christ. At Tippecanoe Valley High School (TVHS) this group meets every Friday morning for an hour of sharing, teaching, and prayer. It is a small, but very faithful and powerful group of people who really have a heart for each other, for this school and community, as well as the world. According to student-athlete Noah Prater, “FCA is a place where it is OK to be a Christian in a world that sometimes has no time for Christianity.”

FCA helps students and teachers who attend in many ways. It is a safe place to share our lives- a place full of hope, support, encouragement, and accountability. “I love the ‘spiritual recharge’ that FCA blesses me with every Friday. The fellowship and hospitality are awesome!” states TVHS technology teacher Dan Franklin. FCA is also a place where relationships and strong community are fostered. Senior Whitney Haneline observes that FCA gives people a safe place and another family; for some, FCA is their first family. “FCA gives us a better high school experience, new friends we can rely on, and a place to belong and make a difference.” Finally, FCA is place to grow. Athletes, coaches, and teachers grow in faith, social skills, communication skills, and leadership. Co-sponsor Aaron Engbrecht says, “FCA has given me a platform to lead teachers and students and provided a way for me to bring others closer to Christ.” Many students, as well, feel better equipped as leaders because of their FCA experience.

FCA not only supports and grows those who attend, but reaches out to our community through prayer and service. Through sponsoring events such as See You at the Pole, National Day of Prayer, and local Community Prayer events, we cover the schools in prayer and acknowledge our need for God’s guidance, protection, and wisdom there. We have so appreciated the community and administrative support in opening our schools to student-initiated, student-led prayer. It has made an incredible impact on our student and faculty spiritual and emotional health. It changes circumstances around us; it changes our hearts and attitudes. It has provided a much-needed anchor and hope for some hard loss we have walked through together.

FCA has served our communities also in writing encouragement notes to TVHS students, faculty, and teams, working at the homeless shelter, preparing boxes for Operation Christmas Child, and, most recently in our shoe collection drive for Haiti. At the current time the TVSC community has donated 600 pairs of shoes for Haitians who otherwise might not attend school or work. This kind of service makes a difference in us, in our community, and in our world.

“FCA has given the school more joy. After our Friday meetings, we walk out of Mrs. Buss’ room with a smile on our faces and joy in our hearts.  For me, after FCA, I smile at everyone and anyone in the hall, and hopefully I spread the joy”. – Olivia Ellenwood

Keith Lang - Picture (2)VALLEY INSIGHT

By Keith Lang
Director of Technology

Student Success through the Development of Character, Leadership and Literacy

As I was pondering what to write, I struggled to settle on a topic.  So many good things happen at Tippecanoe Valley, but what about the technology department?  After several attempts, I looked up and there on my wall was the corporation mission statement:  “Tippecanoe Valley School Corporation is committed to student success through the development of character, leadership and literacy.”  How has that been accomplished this year in the technology department?

Two programs offered at Tippecanoe Valley High School – Interdisciplinary Cooperative Education (I.C.E.) and Work Based Learning: Professional Career Internships – allow students the opportunity to experience a career firsthand to see if it is a career they can become passionate about.   This year five student interns were assigned to the technology department where they assisted with the maintenance of devices while helping their fellow students and staff with technology issues.  There were many challenges and, with little to no experience, the technology interns quickly jumped in and got their feet wet.

This year’s I.C.E. intern is senior Braxton Behny.  Braxton is the son of Todd and Amy Behny.  He served at Tippecanoe Valley Middle School (TVMS) where Braxton has done a little bit of everything…networking, imaging devices, system repairs, and end user help.  Braxton even gave up most of his Christmas break to come in and help with the installation of the new telephone system and core switch transition.  Braxton plans to attend Purdue University where he will pursue a career in Mechanical Engineering and Technology.   When asked what Braxton’s “revelation” this year is, he replied, “I will take away that it truly does pay to be a people person and to always be polite in your encounters. It makes the job easier and more enjoyable.”

Senior Shay Merley has served a professional career internship at TVHS.  Shay is the son of Eric and Angie Merley.  Shay has been instrumental in the repair and re-imaging of the 1:1 devices.  He has also assisted teachers and staff with classroom based technologies.  Shay plans to attend Rose Hulman Institute of Technology where he will pursue a career in engineering.  When asked about his biggest takeaway from his internship, he replied, “We learned that sometimes things happen that throw a wrench in our plans, but it’s important to find a way to get our jobs done anyway.”

Senior Dhyey Patel also served a professional career internship.  Dhyey is the son of Bharatkumar and Daxaben Patel.  Dhyey has been a triage specialist, evaluating devices as they come in the door and determining the next best step.  He has been very quick to assist the staff with their technology issues as well. Dhyey plans to attend Purdue Northwest where he will pursue a career in Computer Science.  Dhyey’s greatest success this year was, “…the satisfaction after fixing the tablet and handing it back to the student.”

Isaac Sponseller served a professional career internship during the first semester.  Isaac is the son of Bryan and Lisa Sponseller.  Isaac plans to attend Huntington University and will major in Accounting.  Isaac says, “This experience has made me realize what it takes to be in the field of Information Technology and the patience that is required for this area of work.”

The final technology intern is junior Noah Prater.  Noah is the son of David and Aggie Prater.  This is Noah’s second year with the technology department.  Noah has stepped up in a big way taking on the responsibility of handling insurance claims during second semester.  Noah plans on attending college and double majoring in Information Technology and Computer Programming.  Noah’s greatest challenge this year was device distribution day.  More than 600 devices were to be handed out in less than four hours. These guys were up to the challenge getting all 600 devices out in less than three hours.

These five young men are shining examples of what it means to be part of the Tippecanoe Valley family; collaborating to share their passion about what they do (character), striving to make their school a better place (leadership), as well as taking their skills to the next level (literacy).

Tippecanoe Registration

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We will be opening online registration on July 5.  New and returning students will be able to register at that point. SNAP codes for returning students will be mailed out July 1.  New students who live out of district should be reminded to download and complete the Non-Resident application.


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It has been an amazing year and an amazing journey for our seniors at Tippecanoe Valley. They have put in years of hard work, and as a result, their futures are coming together before their eyes. Some have been accepted to colleges across the country, some are pursuing a specific vocation while others are taking advantage of community college.

We will come together as a community to celebrate these students’ accomplishments together at our annual graduation ceremony on June 5. We hope to see you there!

TVSC Receives Grant Funds for Boomerang Backpacks and Project Lead the Way

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Cargill Animal Nutrition in Mentone, IN recently donated Cargill Cares grant funds totaling $4,500 to the Tippecanoe Valley High School (TVHS) Boomerang Backpacks program and $6,000 to the Tippecanoe Valley Middle School (TVMS) Project Lead the Way program.

The first picture shows the check presentation to TVMS Project Lead the Way.  Pictured, left to right, are Neil Kaiser of Cargill, Bob Scherer of Cargill, TVMS Assistant Principal Cory Cooper, TVMS Project Lead the Way Teacher Allen Utter, and John Klonowski of Cargill

The second picture shows the check presentation to TVHS Boomerang Backpacks.  Pictured, left to right, are Miles Fowler, Floyd Bradley, TVHS Life Skills Teacher Emma Coppes, Kim Backus of Cargill, Zachary Wagoner, Robert Williams, Charles Sparks, TVHS Instructional Assistant Brenda Alderfer, Kyle Perry, Bob Scherer of Cargill, Sarah Shumacher, Gloria Tiaxcalteca, John Klonowski of Cargill, DaNae Norris of The Bowen Center, Ashlynn Kolesiak, and TVHS Instructional Assistant Kendra Kimes.


Cargill Donation to TVHS


Akron Elementary School to Conduct Groundbreaking on May 18th

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Groundbreaking for the new Akron Elementary School will be held Wednesday, May 18, at 1:30 p.m., on the school’s west blacktop. The public is invited to join the students and staff of Akron Elementary School in celebrating the start of a multi-phase renovation and new construction project that is scheduled for completion in December 2017.

The new Akron Elementary School will consist of the complete renovation of the existing 1987 classroom wing. All other areas of the current building will be demolished and replaced with a new office area, classrooms, cafeteria, stage, gymnasium, supporting areas, and playground. The school will be anchored by a central courtyard allowing natural light to fill the interior of the building.

The new west-facing office and main entry area pays tribute to the original school by reusing existing engraved limestone as a new entry focal point. A new covered entry to the cafeteria and gymnasium honors Akron’s past by salvaging existing limestone and coursing it into the new masonry wall for permanent display. Hardwood from Akron’s own Pike Lumber Company will be featured throughout the new building.

Inside the school, shared student breakout space is intermingled throughout both classroom wings, allowing small group opportunities out of the classroom. The stage is centered between the cafeteria and gymnasium and opens to each side allowing for a variety of functions including presentations, performances, plays, and other events.

The design of the educational space looks to the future and includes interactive digital teaching boards, wireless connectivity, sound reinforcement, and flexible instructional space. The building design includes energy saving features such as LED lighting with occupancy sensors and mechanical heat recovery systems.

Akron Project - Entry Akron Project - Floor Plan

Tippecanoe Valley Honors Staff Members

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Pictured left to right are Matt Cavender, Aggie Prater, Inga Omondi, and TVSC School Board President Dave O’Brien.

During the March meeting of the Board of School Trustees of the Tippecanoe Valley School Corporation, three staff members were honored. Akron Elementary School Instructional Coach Inga Omondi was the recipient of the World Class Teacher Award.  When asked to offer a few words about Mrs. Omondi, Akron Elementary School Principal Chrissy Mills stated, “Inga Omondi is a very dedicated instructional coach for students and staff at Akron Elementary. She works hard in making sure teachers get the professional development and materials they need to be successful in their classroom programs such as Readers, Writers, and Math Workshop. I greatly appreciate the dedication Mrs. Omondi has for Akron Elementary.”

Mentone Elementary School Instructional Assistant Aggie Prater was the recipient of the Pillar Award for Outstanding Support Staff.  When asked about Mrs. Prater, Mentone Elementary School Principal Randy Dahms offered, “Aggie Prater works at Mentone Elementary school as an instructional assistant (paraprofessional) in a first grade classroom.  In working at Mentone these last few months, I have been surprised at the commitment level of this particular staff member.  On her own time, Mrs. Prater takes the time to organize Mentone’s entire PBIS System.   Friday Morning Live is a monthly program where students are rewarded for exhibiting characteristics of being respectful, responsible, and safe.  The students are awarded Bulldog Bucks and are honored on a monthly basis.  Mrs. Prater has organized and run this entire program….Keeping track of data, making sure the students certificates are ready, contacting outside individuals, organizing and running the Bulldog Bizarre where students get to spend their Bulldog Bucks, and doing a wonderful job in the classroom with the students and teacher she works with on a daily basis.”

“Every successful organization has a collection of committed individuals who go the extra mile.  Mrs. Prater is a very important staff member at Mentone Elementary School who is deserving of this recognition.”

Matt Cavender, head custodian of the Burket Educational Center and a member of the T.V.S.C. maintenance staff was also honored with the Pillar Award for Outstanding Support Staff.  When asked to make a few comments about Mr. Cavender, Burket Administrator and T.V.S.C. Director of Special Services Meagan Wilks stated, “Mr. Cavender takes great pride in the care and appearance of the Burket Educational Center.  He also has strong people skills and is welcoming and friendly with the Burket staff and visitors.  He strives to build positive relationships with the Burket students.  Mr. Cavender goes above and beyond to show the public the Burket Educational Center is a great place to be.”

According to T.V. S.C. Director of Maintenance Todd Glenn, “Mr. Cavender consistently displays a ‘can-do’ attitude.  He works well with everyone – teachers, administrators, and co-workers.  Mr. Cavender represents himself and Tippecanoe Valley very well.  He has taken a lead role in implementing several energy saving projects which will save the school corporation thousands of dollars for years to come.”

Each was presented with a framed certificate of appreciation and a gift card.

High Ability Learners – Challenging Every Student’s Potential!

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Meagan Wilks - Picture 3-15-16 (2)VALLEY INSIGHT by Meagan Wilks, Director of Special Services at Tippecanoe Valley School Corporation

In today’s classrooms teachers address an extreme range of learning needs. Typically, much emphasis is placed on the needs of students who struggle academically. There are many resources and specific programs within schools designed to help these students make gains and maintain success in school.  While providing remediation services is extremely important, we must also place an importance on High Ability Learners who need accelerated instruction and enrichment opportunities as part of their curriculum.

According to the Indiana Code, a High Ability Learner is one who “performs at, or shows the potential for performing at, an outstanding level of accomplishment in at least one domain when compared with other students of the same age, experience, or environment; and is characterized by exceptional gifts, talents, motivation, or interest in these areas” (IC 20-36-1-3).

High Ability Learners can have many unique learning needs.  These learners are often creative, curious, observant, and have extensive vocabulary background knowledge.  They learn new ideas quickly; in fact, it typically only takes 1-2 repetitions of instruction for a High Ability Learner to master a new concept compared to 7-8 for an average learner.  High Ability Learners also tend to have long attention spans and want to work independently.

High Ability Learners may also have different social and emotional needs than the average learner.  They may have a more heightened emotional sensitivity to criticism, fear of failure or perfectionism and place unrealistic high standards for performance on themselves.   Anxiety, frustration, and self-blame may occur for a less than perfect performance in class or on a test.

At Tippecanoe Valley we strive to address the unique learning needs of High Ability Learners.  Much time has been devoted to creating a High Ability Program Manual to ensure that a plan is in place to provide appropriate identification procedures, training, and differentiated instruction and curriculum to these students. The key goals for our High Ability Plan include:

Goal #1 – High Ability Students in grades K-12 will be identified regardless of gender, race, age or socio-economic background, with a multifaceted assessment plan.

Goal #2 – School Staff will be provided professional development to understand the needs and characteristics of students with High Ability.

Goal #3 – TVSC will provide challenging, differentiated curriculum and instruction for High Ability Learners.

Goal #4 – The High Ability Program will be evaluated to make changes and improvements.

During the 2015-2016 School Year, TVSC has focused attention on goal # 2 – Professional Development.  Throughout this year our building-level high ability coordinators, teachers, instructional coaches, counselors and administrators have participated in professional development opportunities relating to characteristics and social emotional needs of High Ability Learners.   We have also focused some professional development on curriculum and higher level thinking concepts and instruction.

As the High Ability Coordinator for TVSC, it is my responsibly to provide teachers with the knowledge and tools to address the needs of our High Ability Learners.  Instruction should be rigorous to provide challenging learning opportunities for these students.  By providing these challenges for High Ability Learners, we are demonstrating one of the TVSC core beliefs – We believe in challenging every student’s potential!