Tippecanoe Valley Middle School held a “Mix It Up” lunch on Thursday, Nov. 30th, 2017.

TVMS blended grades for each lunch, mixed up tables, and had a Tippecanoe Valley High School PEER at each table facilitating discussions and activities.

“It’s a really interesting time to see the middle school students open up and to see the high school students get pushed out of their comfort zone to become better leaders,” said TVHS Instructor Kris Walker.

The TVMS staff joined in the activities and also helped clear tables so the fun could continue uninterrupted. This was another piece of the “see each other” unit that sixth and eighth grade worked on with the book Wonder. 

“It was a great success,” said TVMS Principal Scott Backus. “I want to thank the TVHS PEERS for their great and powerful work. They truly are outstanding role models for our middle school kids. I want to thank the TVMS staff and Mr. Walker at TVHS who were involved in planning and carrying out the activity. I also want to thank our kids for jumping into an uncomfortable situation and still making the best of it,” Backus said.

TVMS held a similar event during the 2016-17 school year.
