Tippecanoe Valley School Corporation is in the process of reviewing and revising the strategic plan for our district’s collective future and ask for your input for our focus for the next five (5) years.

In the fall of 2018, TVSC received an IDOE Innovation Planning Grant which gives us the foundation to explore further what our staff and students need to thrive (academically and social-emotionally or mental health, work-life balance) and how transforming their experiences at Valley can be a catalyst in this endeavor.

Please take a few minutes to complete the brief survey.

Fast Facts:
1. Survey only takes a few minutes.
2. It will gather valuable data for the district as we plan for the future.
3. Survey window is March 18 through March 29, 2019.
4. Survey is conducted by Bright Minds Marketing, Indianapolis.
5. Survey results will be presented and shared.

Copy and paste the English or Spanish survey link below:

English – (Parents and Staff) Survey Access Link

Spanish Survey Access Link

Thank you again for your time and commitment to Tippecanoe Valley School Corporation.